Increase your sales productivity with the TradePartners® app!

The sales process is enormous as there are many sub-processes in it. Every manufacturing company has the target to increase its sales at any cost. As the companies sell thousands of units each month, the count of sales makes them get noticed worldwide.

Every sales process is divided into three main parts. Planning, selling, and increasing client data. During this process, there are many people involved in it. Mainly, the Managers, Senior Sales Executives, and freshers.

A manager of any sales process has a huge team working under them.

Hence, it gets difficult for the Managers and the sales executive to update each and every minute detail to each other. We can say that the team has to spend more time planning and generating reports, which makes them fall short of time on the field with the clients.

Hence, we present to you the TradePartners® web and mobile-based app. The TradePartners® helps you with easy functions to set daily, weekly, and monthly PJPs and successfully action them. We can say with this great app in place you will experience overall productivity improvement within no time!

Using the TradePartners® app, Sales Executives can update their daily, weekly, and monthly PJPs and action them accordingly. Through this process, the Managers can view all the PJPs set by the team and can also track the progress of each Sales Executive.

With the tracking option, the Managers can track and help the freshers to cover all their PJPs successfully. Hence, if all the PJPs are going successful, your Company’s sales count will automatically increase along with widening your client cunt!

The PJP and the tracking feature also save your daily briefing time, as your team gets the freedom to set their monthly PJPs.

There are many such apps available in the market today, however, the TradePartners® app is one of those best apps which is updated, reliable, and can definitely hike up your sales count with fewer efforts.

Why wait? Download the TradePartners® app now, or click for more info!


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