My Experience With the TradePartners™!

I am a Department Manager in one of the largest electronic products company. My job is to manage a team of 50 by allotting work to my team, monitoring them, graphing and many other reports making activities.

My day starts at 9 AM and I do not have any log out time. The same goes for my team. I and my team are busy with our field work and by the end of the day, we spend our time in daily reporting and daily work analyzing. This helps us to perform better, but at the same time, it takes our time which could have been spent with our families.

I used to believe that there is no end to this work schedule and I and my team will have to live with the same. I used to be continuously stuck in monitoring my team and being in touch with them over the phone.

But all this hectic work has ended for me and my team. Just a few months ago, my company introduced a tiny mobile app called the TradePartners! Now, this little buddy is tiny in size but has features like never been thought before. It feels like someone who has been through my work and pain has built the TradePartners for us! Now let me tell you what exactly the TradePartners does for us.

Before it was next to impossible to track my team when on the field. We had other tracking apps in the market, however, they were simply time-consuming. But with the TradePartners app, I can easily monitor my entire teams daily PJP, visits, time taken for each visit and vital notes as well.

Now the note section has definitely saved our calling time as we can share notes on via TradePartners app on a particular visit that is made by team members.

Let me tell you the most interesting feature of this app. As before, we used to fetch in the reports manually to analyze the performance data. However, now that can happen via TradePartners as it saves all the data and shows it to you in a graph and word format. We can also email the same through the app itself. This feature has saved a lot of hand-works that we used to do on a daily basis.

We now start our work with a small meeting around 9.30, and unlike before, we now finish our work in time and leave by 6.30 in the evening.

TradePartners has certainly made this easy for people who are always on the field.

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