How We Track

In our industry, it is next to impossible to track the on-field sales executives! We don’t say that all the executives skip their visits. However, we all know that some of them might do that.

The only way to keep a track on the sales executives is to be in touch with them via phone calls. However, that really isn’t the right way to do it. The sales executives may be riding towards the client’s location and they might get distracted due to the phone rings. Technically, phone calls are not a safe option to get rid of this problem.

There are several apps in the market that can help you track your sales executives using their phone numbers. But what if the executive tries to switch off his/her phone, or try to distract you using some other technique. It may be possible, right? So using tracking apps is not really good to go option.

Thinking about all these points, we designed TradePartners app. Now, this app is best for maintaining your data, updating PJPs and outstation tour plans too. It also gives you the exact count of team members and their daily, weekly or monthly tasks. It also shows you the ongoing internal offers for the employees … And the best part is employee tracking! So basically, the TradePartners app offers you all in one service to soften your daily workload!

With the TradePartners you can track your on-field team without even calling them. The moment your sales executives arrives at the client location, the app automatically checks in the executive, and after the visit as soon the executive exits the client location, he/she gets a pop up to push on end meeting or check out. TradePartners also allows the executives to put in small notes related to the meeting so that the manager comes to know how well did the meeting go. The managers can reply to the notes if necessary.

Using TradePartners saves on time as it assists you in report management, updating daily tasks, and also tracking the sales executives. TradePartners is the way to make the process smoother and simpler.

It helps you organize your daily work along with report management so that no one has to wait extra to update the daily reports.

So if you have not yet downloaded TradePartners yet, then what are you waiting for?

Download TradePartners app now and welcome the most efficient and organized work culture to your office!

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