Many Features…One App! The TradePartners™!

Mobile applications are the key to put you through a shortcut in your day to day work schedule! There are many apps with multiple features. When these apps are being made by the developers, many a time it happens that the app turns slightly towards complications. When the app is used for any business purpose and save vital data, the app needs to be secured and to be used by experts. Apps that are complicated to use are secured but not completely scalable.

Looking at these issues, we, TradePartnersthought of mixing security, user-friendliness, transcendental features, and something that can make your daily work easy in one tiny app. TradePartnersis a mobile application designed and built for corporates, keeping a layman touch so that it takes less time to understand the app and can be used by anyone.

The app basically has two users. Managers and Sales Executives. TradePartnershas the capacity to generate accurate work and performance reports of individual and team in list and graph format. Not just report generation, but TradePartnershas many user-friendly features like PJP management, tour plan management, tracking, updating work status, etc.

It has been observed that the TradePartnersusers are actually able to maintain proper reports and can manage to finish their work before their duty hours! TradePartnersusers have also mentioned that handling of the application is easy and saves a lot of time. Both Managers and Sales Executives are happy on their ends as they can update all the vital details using the TradePartnersapp and save a lot of internal calling time!

With the TradePartnersapp, the employees are getting to analyze their individual performance and improve or maintain accordingly!

TradePartnersis the application that has changed the structure of many offices with its friendly features that help you save time!

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