TradePartners™…Now One More Step Ahead!

TradePartners™ started as a futuristic mobile-first cloud-based application specially tailor-made for people engaged with channel and distribution trade, across B2B and B2C segment of IT, Consumer Electronics Trade and others.

 As we know about the previous features of TradePartners, now its time to check how TradePartners has taken a step ahead with its new features!

Let’s check out the new features of TradePartners!

Individual ASM (TGT vs ACH): Sales Executives can see their real-time targets vs achievements, individual product-wise quantity, and value sell-out done.

Live-stock for billing: Sales Executives can see the livestock for billing on the go.

Sales Order: Sales Executives can create sales orders on the go, and the same will reflect on the main system on a real-time basis for the concerned Reporting Manager and the Accounts Manager to check and approve the order for billing.

Amount Receivable: The amount receivable of the direct billing partners can be seen by the Sales Executives on a real-time basis.

Dashboard Report: Various dashboard reports are available for high officials as per their specific requirements and choices.

Status with T2 & T3: Daily secondary sales done by the respective T2s can be captured on a real-time basis. (e.g. Name of the T3, Item and quantity) Further daily tertiary sales done by respective T3s can also be captured along with the product’s serial number.

So why wait? Let’s move ahead with the TradePartners! Click to contact us!

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