The Simplest Way To Generate A Sales Order!

With the TradePartners™, Sales Executives can create sales orders on the go, and the same will reflect on the main system on a real-time basis for the concerned Reporting Manager and the Accounts Manager to check and approve the order for billing. The TradePartners™ will also help the Sales Executives in knowing the available stock before they punch in the sales order.

We all know that sales order is an integral part of any business. Ideally, sales executives used to check available stock before they start for the market in the morning, and sometimes they cross-check the current status of available stock with their office, just before taking the order, and then either they call back to their office to get the order punched on priority and follow-up for billing done, or they go back to the office to coordinate the same in person!

However, as technology has developed, the TradePartners™ have found the smartest way to book a sales order!

TradePartners™ will help you save on the calling and traveling back time of the Executives which they used to spend earlier while generating a sales order. The process of sales order generation has now become faster than ever with error-free results. Now your Executives can get the maximum amount of orders once they are out in the fields of sales!

So why wait? Get your team geared up with the TradePartners™ app and generate all sales orders the smart way!

Hurry! Click to contact us for more info!

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