Know how you can increase your sales with the help of technology!

The manufacturing industry runs on the sales team. Field Sales Officers in every company are always the busiest. This is simply because of their work roles and responsibilities. Sales Officers have to follow certain protocols as designed by higher management!

Taking care of the daily PJPs to meeting each client and updating the meeting results to their Managers. Sales Officers have to go through many such things in their daily work routine. 

Talking about the Managers, they are always busy monitoring their Sales Offers and other Sales related activities. Tracking each executive is not an easy job! Sales Managers also have to conduct meetings and create several reports each day. They also have to manage their team’s performance by daily work briefing.

So far, many companies have been following the manual way of managing Sales activities. However, Managing everything manually has become old school these days.

Today, we have several apps and many software that can be useful for the Sales Team. Hence, in this article, we are going to share some great apps in order to increase your sales count with fewer efforts.

Today, if you search for the best Sales Management application/software, you will see a list of apps offering you different features. Some apps will offer you Sales Executive field tracking, some will offer you report generation, and some may offer you customer data management. 

These apps will charge you a certain amount. Most seemingly a similar amount. However, the most successful apps amongst these apps is TradePartners®! If you want to experience a positive hike in your sales, then the TradePartners® is the right one for you!

TradePartners® app is affordable as compared with other apps, as it offers you multiple features to help you get the desired boost in your sales!

Below is the list of features of the TradePartners®:

Projected Journey Plan (PJP):

The salesperson can make their respective PJPs in advance/same day/on the go. On meeting respective dealers they can put points discussed. Respective reporting head(s) can see all the activities of the team and can put comments to get the answers.

Tour Plan (TP):

Sales persons can make their respective tour plans in advance for getting tour approval from respective reporting head(s). On meeting respective dealers they can put points discussed. Respective reporting head(s) can see all the activities of the team and can put comments to get the answers.


Sales persons can register calls made to dealers (points discussed with respective dealers) from office/house. Respective reporting head(s) can see all the activities of the team and can put comments to get the answers.

Reports (PJP/TP/In-house):

Reports can be downloaded in excel.

  • Individual employee wise, PJP wise, date wise counters visited.
  • Individual employee wise, month-wise frequency of counter visited, Etc.


Sales Executives can see their real-time targets vs achievements, individual product-wise quantity, and value sell-out done.

Live-stock for billing:

Sales Executives can see the livestock for billing on the go.

Sales Order:

Sales Executives can create sales orders on the go, and the same will reflect on the main system on a real-time basis for the concerned Reporting Manager and the Accounts Manager to check and approve the order for billing.

Amount Receivable:

The amount receivable of the direct billing partners can be seen by the Sales Executives on a real-time basis.

Dashboard Report:

Various dashboard reports are available for high officials as per their specific requirements and choices.

Status with T2 & T3:

Daily secondary sales done by the respective T2s can be captured on a real-time basis. (e.g. Name of the T3, Item and quantity) Further daily tertiary sales done by respective T3s can also be captured along with the product’s serial number.

You get all the above features on an absolutely affordable price tag, and these features are researched and built by experienced professionals to help you increase your sales count easily!

For more info, click now and enjoy a stress-free sales process!

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