Quick DAR/DCR analysis and it’s positive impact on TGT VS ACH!

Many of us know the pain and agony of a sales team! Sales Managers and Sales Executives go through heavy pressure on each day of their work. Many times, they do official work beyond the scope of prescribed duty hours, and as a result, they do not get enough time to spend with their families.

When we talk about the Sales team, the Manager and the Sales Executives, both have several sets of daily duties which makes their work difficult and time-consuming. If we talk about the Managers, they have their targets too besides team target. Hence managing everything manually in the process of taking feedback from the team is time taking.

To manually take feedback from individual team members on daily basis and guide them accordingly and/or advising corrective action items requires a lot of time.

However, with TradePartners® in place having “point discussed” TAB under PJP, TP, and In-house menu which reflects individual counter wise daily activity report (DAR)/daily call report (DCR) – it has a great impact on effective analyzing of DAR / DCR of team members and a time-saving tools, resulting in providing quick and accurate calls to teams.

Once the Sales Executives updates their journey plans, the Managers can easily view the same on the app and have a clear picture of which Sales Executive is up for which client meet. This gives your team a call-free experience!

The Sales Executive gets the option to mark themselves out from the meeting once they are out of the client’s location. Managers can put short notes if they want to update their on-field Sales Executives about any important message.

For the freshers in the team, the Managers can track them on the TradePartners® app and can guide them on each step of their meetings. This helps time to train the freshers.

Once the day is over, the Managers can see the performance data on the app and can plan the month accordingly.

The TradePartners® app also helps in report generation to help the team save time which they usually spend in the day’s end meetings. All the reports are ready at your fingertips and can be downloaded in a list or graph format!

Now with the TradePartners®, your team saves time and enters the world of smart working, and last but not least it helps all the field forces and reporting heads to effectively balance life with office and home!

So why wait? Download the TradePartners® app now! Click https://TradePartners.in/Contact.aspx to know more!

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