Schedule your Business Tours using the TradePartners® app!

We are working in a market where competition has grown to its peak. Hence, Many companies keep an open budget for the executives who are on tour plans. But is this budget used correctly? Are the executives being helped during their tour plans? How can we track them? How can they update the managers if they face any difficulty? So how do we track the details? Do we need a sales executive tracking app to help our team who is working in the field? These questions always revolve around when it comes to outstation tours.

Now, setting up a firm and strong business is not an easy job. Hard and smart working employees make many things possible. However, as business owners, we should even help our employees simplify their work so that they always perform the best and help us provide top-class services to our clients!

When we talk about providing top-class sales and services, we have to go beyond our comfort boundaries. Hence, many of businesses send their sales executives on a tour plan so that they can travel outstation and capture a wider market.

But how to be in touch with our executives when they are on a business tour? Many of us try to be in touch with executives via phone. But is a phone call the only option?

Well … now we have all the answers for you in the form of TradePartners®! Yes … TradePartners® is a new era revolutionary web and mobile application in which the managers can get updates on how many of their team members are up for a tour plan and in which city and date.

Now once the sales executives enter the client location, the app triggers a checked-in mark that is visible to the manager. Once the sales executive is out of the client’s location, he gets the option to click and end the meeting. By doing this, the manager can know that the executive has checked out from the client location and can also track the time spent in the meeting, and can also help the executives whenever required.

The sales executive can also type in short notes like done, complete, or any short mark just to let the managers know about how the meeting went. In this option, even the managers can revert to the executive with a counter comment if needed.

This entire process saves too many man-hours of report making and follow-ups. With the TradePartners® in-house, the calling time between the sales executives and the managers has certainly ended!

All this and many more features for your work stress to go down. Download the TradePartners® app now and enjoy the experience of smart working!

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