Increase your Sales Performance faster with the TradePartners® app!

Several apps with mind-blowing features hit the market now and then. However, the TradePartners® app is one of the trending apps with multiple features loaded in one spot.

In the field sales industry, the Managers and the Sales Executives always spend extra hours in multiple activities! This takes a huge toll on them as they spend more time in their office and less time with their families.

To save the Manages and the Sales Executives from being tolled, the TradePartners® presents them with a smart working atmosphere that helps them get their work finished before their log-out time.

With interesting features like PJP management, Tracking, Tour Planning, etc, the Managers no longer have to run behind each Sales Executive! 

With the TradePartners® app, Sales Executives can now upload their daily, weekly, and monthly PJPs and Tour Plans using TradePartners® on their mobile, which can be checked by their Managers. This helps in transparency between the Managers and the Sales Executives.

The TradePartners® generates reports based on the visits of the Sales Executives which is very important for performance management. Sales Executives can also analyze their self-performance and can make certain changes to be at the top of the monthly performance chart. The report generation also saves valuable time for the entire team. Managers can easily download the performance reports in a list or graph format.

As the TradePartners® app saves valuable time for the team, so they can now efficiently balance their professional and personal life and enjoy extended quality time with their families!

So if you are still apart from the trend of smart work, you can click and get your TradePartners® and be a part of the most trending world of smart workers!

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