Streamlining Sales and Reporting Management for Business Success with the TradePartners® app!

In today’s competitive business world, sales and reporting management plays a crucial role in achieving business goals. Sales executives need to plan their visits to dealers, register their calls and discussions, and create sales orders efficiently. Reporting heads need to monitor the activities of their team and provide feedback to improve their performance. In this context, TradePartners® is an innovative solution that offers a range of features to streamline sales and reporting management.

Projected Journey Plan (PJP) and Tour Plan (TP)
Sales executives can create their PJPs and TPs in advance or on the go, based on their schedules and priorities. They can also register the points discussed with dealers during their visits, and reporting heads can monitor these activities and provide feedback. This feature enables sales executives to plan their visits effectively and keep track of their progress in real-time.

In-house Call Registration
TradePartners® also allows sales executives to register their calls made to dealers from their office or home. They can record the points discussed and share them with their reporting heads for feedback. This feature ensures that all relevant information is captured accurately and promptly, regardless of the location of the sales executive.

One of the key features of TradePartners® is its reporting capability. Sales executives can generate reports on their visits to dealers, such as individual employee-wise, PJP-wise, date-wise, and counter-wise. They can also view their target versus achievement, product-wise quantity, and value sell-out in real time. This information can help them track their progress and identify areas for improvement. Reporting heads can also generate reports to monitor the activities of their team and provide feedback and support.

Live-Stock for Billing
Another useful feature of TradePartners® is its live-stock tracking capability. Sales executives can view the livestock for billing on the go, which enables them to plan their sales orders and deliveries more effectively. This feature ensures that the sales process is streamlined and efficient.

Sales Order
TradePartners® also allows sales executives to create sales orders on the go, which can be viewed by the reporting manager and accounts manager in real time. This feature ensures that orders are processed promptly and accurately, which improves customer satisfaction and reduces errors.

Amount Receivable
The amount receivable of direct billing partners can be viewed by sales executives in real time, which enables them to plan their collections more effectively. This feature ensures that the cash flow is managed efficiently, and outstanding payments are collected promptly.

Dashboard Report
Various dashboard reports are available for high officials as per their specific requirements and choices. These reports can provide insights into the performance of the sales team and help them identify areas for improvement.

Status with T2 & T3
TradePartners® also enables sales executives to capture daily secondary sales done by respective T2s in real-time, such as the name of the T3, item, and quantity. Daily tertiary sales done by respective T3s can also be captured along with the product’s serial number. This feature ensures that the sales process is transparent and streamlined and that all relevant information is captured accurately.

In conclusion, TradePartners® is a comprehensive solution for sales and reporting management, which offers a range of features to streamline the sales process and improve performance. It enables sales executives to plan their visits effectively, register their calls and discussions, and create sales orders efficiently. Reporting heads can monitor the activities of their team and provide feedback and support. The reporting capability of TradePartners® enables sales executives and reporting heads to generate reports that provide insights into the performance of the sales team and identify areas for improvement. The live-stock tracking and sales order features ensure that orders are processed promptly and accurately, and outstanding payments are collected promptly.

Click to know more and get the TradePartners® app to simplify your entire On-Field Sales Process!

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