Streamline Your Sales Reporting with TradePartners®: Save Time and Boost Performance!

If you’re in the business of field sales, you know how important it is to have accurate sales reports. Sales reports help you track your sales performance, identify areas of improvement, and make better-informed decisions. However, creating sales reports can be a time-consuming and tedious task, especially if you have a large sales team. Fortunately, TradePartners® can help you save time and generate accurate and automatic on-field sales reports.

TradePartners® is a comprehensive field sales management software that is designed to simplify the sales reporting process. It provides you with a user-friendly platform that streamlines your sales processes, allowing you to manage your sales team more effectively. With TradePartners®, you can access real-time sales data, track sales performance, and generate sales reports with ease.

Here are some ways TradePartners® can help you save time and generate accurate and automatic on-field sales reports:

  1. Automate the Sales Reporting Process

With TradePartners®, you can automate the sales reporting process. Instead of manually creating sales reports, TradePartners® generates sales reports automatically based on the data entered by your sales team. This saves you time and ensures that your sales reports are accurate and up-to-date.

  1. Real-Time Sales Data

TradePartners® provides you with real-time sales data, allowing you to monitor your sales team’s performance in real-time. This allows you to identify any issues or trends as they happen, enabling you to take immediate action.

  1. Customizable Sales Reports

TradePartners® allows you to customize your sales reports based on your business needs. You can choose the data that you want to include in your sales reports and format them according to your preferences. This allows you to generate sales reports that are relevant to your business and provide you with the insights you need to make informed decisions.

  1. Mobile App

TradePartners® comes with a mobile app that allows your sales team to input data on-the-go. This means that your sales team can update their sales data in real-time, allowing you to generate accurate and up-to-date sales reports.

  1. Data Analysis

TradePartners® also provides you with data analysis tools that allow you to analyze your sales data in more detail. This allows you to identify trends, patterns, and opportunities that you may have missed otherwise. With TradePartners®, you can make data-driven decisions that will help you grow your business.

  1. Improved Communication

TradePartners® improves communication between your sales team and the office. The platform provides a centralized hub where your sales team can input their data, and the office can access that data in real-time. This means that your sales team can spend more time selling, and less time on administrative tasks.

In conclusion, if you’re looking for a way to save time and generate accurate and automatic on-field sales reports, TradePartners® is the solution for you. It provides you with a user-friendly platform that automates the sales reporting process, provides real-time sales data, customizable sales reports, a mobile app, data analysis tools, and improved communication between your sales team and the office. With TradePartners®, you can manage your sales team more effectively, make data-driven decisions, and grow your business.

Click now to contact us!

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Specifically designed application to improve the on-field sales process!

In today’s business world, technology is playing a crucial role in transforming the sales process. With the increasing use of smartphones and other smart devices, businesses are adopting smart applications to improve their sales process. One such smart application is the TradePartners® app, which is specifically designed to improve the on-field sales process. In this blog, we will discuss why smart applications like TradePartners® are essential for improving the on-field sales process.

  1. Better Communication: The TradePartners® app enables sales representatives to communicate with their customers in real time. The app allows sales reps to access customer information, such as purchase history, previous orders, and product preferences, and use this information to provide personalized recommendations. This improves communication between sales reps and customers, which ultimately leads to better sales.
  2. Streamlined Sales Process: The TradePartners® app provides a centralized platform for sales reps to manage their sales process. The app enables reps to access product information, customer information, and sales data from a single location, making it easier for them to manage their sales activities. This streamlines the sales process, allowing sales reps to focus on selling rather than administrative tasks.
  3. Improved Productivity: The TradePartners® app helps sales reps to be more productive by providing them with real-time access to customer and product information. The app enables reps to quickly identify sales opportunities, respond to customer inquiries, and close deals faster. This not only improves the productivity of sales reps but also improves the overall efficiency of the sales process.
  4. Enhanced Customer Experience: The TradePartners® app helps sales reps to provide a better customer experience by enabling them to offer personalized recommendations based on customer preferences. The app also allows reps to access customer feedback and respond to customer queries in real time, which helps to build better relationships with customers. By providing a better customer experience, sales reps can increase customer loyalty and retention.
  5. Improved Sales Forecasting: The TradePartners® app provides sales reps with real-time sales data, enabling them to track sales performance and make more accurate sales forecasts. This helps businesses to plan their sales activities more effectively and make better-informed decisions about their sales strategy.

In conclusion, smart applications like TradePartners® are essential for improving the on-field sales process. These apps provide sales reps with real-time access to customer and product information, enabling them to communicate better, streamline the sales process, improve productivity, enhance customer experience, and make more accurate sales forecasts. By adopting smart applications like TradePartners®, businesses can stay ahead of the competition and improve their bottom line.

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Achieve your goals conveniently by checking your Targets VS Achievements using the TradePartners® app!

The sales team of every company has certain targets which they have to achieve before the deadline. The targets are usually divided into two parts, Amount wise and quantity-wise.

To maintain the Target VS Achievement of the team, the Manager has to take daily meetings to check the sales team’s progress.

However, this technique has become too outdated. Hence, we at TradePartners®, have made full use of today’s technology and have introduced a feature to check your Targets VS Achievements!

With the help of the TradePartners®, the Sales Executives can see their real-time targets vs achievements, individual product-wise quantity, and value sell-out done.

The TradePartners® makes it easy to check the same and by this feature, every individual in the sales team gets to know where he/she is standing as per the achievement ratio.

It has also been observed that as compared to the previous work style people using the TradePartners® can check their growth within no time and on near-to real-time basis and get into action to keep up with their performance!

So why wait? Click to start your growth the smart way!

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Keep track of your entire team’s sales performance using the TradePartners® app!

There are many sales performance management software/applications present in today’s world which say that they can simplify your daily work activities. However, have you ever come across a mobile-based application that includes tracking, data maintenance, report view or download, data encryption, etc? Well, to be honest, there are very few such software present in the market today, and those are not easy to use. So let’s go ahead and have some short information about a new mobile application known as the TradePartners® and how it can be scalable for your company and team!

TradePartners® app is a futuristic mobile-first cloud-based application specially tailor-made for people engaged with channel and distribution trade, across the B2B and B2C segments of IT, Consumer Electronics Trade, and others.

It is a very useful app to manage and analyze data related to primary and secondary sales, productivity/performance analysis of field forces across all verticals with an optional real-time GPS tracking system that could be linked with respective PJPs, Channel scheme narrator, it can also provide a detailed report on accounts, HRMS, and logistics, check the live-stock for billing, know your target vs achievement for better performance, checking your client’s amount receivables, raising sales order on the go and confirmation on invoice done, etc. We can say that TradePartners® is a high-tech Sales Performance Management Software including features like a Sales Tracking System, Sales Executive Tracking App, Sales Automation Application, and Field Team Management Software!

TradePartners® helps eliminate manual follow-ups with your field forces. Its feature-enriched modules are easy to use and can be operated anytime and anywhere, a perfect blend of field force automation and business administration tool!

TradePartners® is a revolutionary Sales Performance Management Software that is tailor-made for easy tracking and data maintenance.

Why wait? Click for more info! 

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The most reliable application to increase your team’s sales performance!

Fieldwork is always difficult. It gets harder due to the complications faced in between the Managers and the on-field Sales Executives. Keeping a track of the on-field executives is not as easy as it looks like. Continuous calling and attending the calls may result in a lack of concentration in other related works.

It has also been observed that the day end meeting usually stretches for long hours. Also making the reports manually is altogether a stunt to perform!

Like these and many other problems hit us when we talk about a field sales job. However, now we can say that we can get rid of all these problems simply looking at our mobile screen. Yes! You heard us right.

TradePartners® is an app that can solve all the problems that you face in a daily field sales job. From tracking your Sales Executives to making the reports, TradePartners® does it all for you in just one single touch.

The TradePartners® app is loaded with futuristic features that soften your daily work pressure. It can track your Sales team when they are on the field to meet the clients. It can also analyze single and team performance and can make the reports in list and graph format which you can easily download! It also helps you to mention comments on each visit. This saves on you calling your team for any updates.

TradePartners® is one of those apps that can help you with a raise in your daily sales orders with fewer efforts. Existing users of the TradePartners® app have noticed a positive hike in their sales orders and the overall performance of their Sales Teams. This is basically due to the features of the TradePartners® app that offers you a time-saving environment in the entire sales process.

With the TradePartners® app on your mobile, you can skip on those long-running meetings that don’t let you leave your office in time.

For error-free work reports and performance management, you can try the TradePartners® app and witness its user-friendly features and save your valuable time.

With the TradePartners® app, you will surely get time for your family too!

Get the TradePartners® app now and start your error-free team performance and be on the top-performing list of your company!

Hurry!! Click for more details!

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Top-class application for effortless training and quick performance hike in on-field sales!

In the business of field marketing, training freshers is altogether a task for the Managers. Freshers can’t be left with the Senior Sales Executives as they have to complete their daily/weekly/monthly targets. Managers are left with other vital activities due to which they cannot focus completely on their fresher Sales Executives when they are left on the field.

So how can you overcome the situation of training the freshers?

It’s simple! All you have to do is get the TradePartners® app for your team! The TradePartners® app helps the Managers to track their Sales Executives so that the Managers can guide and help their team to perform.

TradePartners® allows the Sales Executives to upload their daily/weekly/monthly PJPs so that the Managers can know the line of action. The TradePartners® app also helps generate reports which can be downloaded in list and graph format.

Hence, the long meetings to generate reports no longer exist when you are using the TradePartners® app!

So if you are still not with TradePartners®, click now and enter the work of smart working!

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The most efficient and reliable way to schedule your upcoming business tours!

As we all know that Sales is a field where the Executives have to travel and present their business in the market. Sales are all about your reach, approach, and the network that you build with your skills.

It has been observed that many Executives have to travel out of their cities, states, and sometimes out of the country to visit their would-be clients.

It is hard to maintain the data of Executives traveling long distances. Also, the Executives may need some hand-holding or instructions from the experts or Managers.

This is when the TradePartners® app comes into the picture. Using the TradePartners® app, the Executives can plan their Business Tours and update their travel schedule on the app. Managers can view the details and can support the Executives by sharing notes or any vital information using the app. Managers can also track their Executives while they are on the go, and can share live updates with them. The Sales Executives can also update the status of their meetings so that the Managers can get timely reports.

By using the TradePartners® app, the Managers and the Executives can send and receive live notifications which can help in better tracking and support.

With the information and data provided, TradePartners® generates accurate performance reports analyzing the success ratio submitted from the Executives and Managers. Managers can then easily download the entire report in a list or graph format!

TradePartners® is known to built accurate reports based on the info entered by the Managers and the Executives. TradePartners® helps you save valuable time which can be utilized for other important activities.

So why wait? Get your TradePartners® to convert operations into “Easy Operations!” Click for more info!

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Speed up your sales count effortlessly with the TradePartners® app!

Checking of live-stock is very important before we sit for the billing process. Usually, we find many errors in this process. Field Sales Executives of every company are always on their toes to get a new order for their company. We also know that there are several Sales Executives in a company who travel to many different locations to get new orders.

While they place an order, they have to go through certain challenges. The Sales Executives always have to call or be in touch with their Managers or Admin Departments to check if the products are available in stock.

This is the exact time where they have to wait for a long time until their managers check on the stock and update them on the same. Many times it happens when the Sales team gets the order and returns to their base, only to find out that the stock doesn’t match the order. And then what! The Sales team has to get back to the client asking for some more time to deliver the order.

Now, to end this problem, the TradePartners® helps you by showing you the live-stock for billing right on your mobile screen. Your Sales Executives can check the available stock and punch in the orders as per the requirement. You can say that your Sales Executives can see the livestock for billing on the go and place the order from the field itself!

This helps the calling and traveling time of the Sales Executives and the company and the order is processed much faster!

So why wait? Speed up the process of sales in your company with the TradePartners®! Click now to contact us!

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A fast, quick, and the most efficient way to generate a Sales Order!

We all know that sales order is an integral part of the business. Ideally, sales executives used to check available stock before they start for the market in the morning, and sometimes they cross-check the current status of available stock with their office, just before taking the order, and then either they call back to their office to get the order punched on priority and follow-up for billing done, or they go back to the office to coordinate the same in person!

However, as technology has developed, the TradePartners® have found the smartest way to book a sales order!

Now with the TradePartners®, Sales Executives can create sales orders on the go, and the same will reflect on the main system on a real-time basis for the concerned Reporting Manager and the Accounts Manager to check and approve the order for billing. The TradePartners® will also help the Sales Executives in knowing the available stock before they punch in the sales order.

This will save on the calling and traveling back time of the Executives which they used to spend earlier while generating a sales order. The process of sales order generation has now become faster than ever with error-free results. Now your Executives can get the maximum amount of orders once they are out in the fields of sales!

So why wait? Get your team geared up with the TradePartners® app and generate all sales orders the smart way!

Hurry! Click to contact us for more info!

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Plan and schedule your Business Tours easily with the TradePartners® app!

As we all know that Sales is a field where the Executives have to travel and present their business in the market. Sales are all about your reach, approach, and the network that you build with your skills.

It has been observed that many Executives have to travel out of their cities, states, and sometimes out of the country to visit their would-be clients.

It is hard to maintain the data of Executives traveling long distances. Also, the Executives may need some hand-holding or instructions from the experts or Managers.

This is when the TradePartners® app comes in the picture. Using the TradePartners® app, the Executives can plan their Business Tours and update their travel schedule on the app. Managers can view the details and can support the Executives by sharing notes or any vital information using the app. Managers can also track their Executives while they are on the go, and can share live updates with them. The Sales Executives can also update the status of their meetings so that the Managers can get timely reports.

By using the TradePartners® app, the Managers and the Executives can send and receive live notifications which can help in better tracking and support.

With the information and data provided, TradePartners® generates accurate performance reports analyzing the success ratio submitted from the Executives and Managers. Managers can then easily download the entire reports in a list or graph format!

TradePartners® is known to built accurate reports based on the info entered by the Managers and the Executives. TradePartners® helps you save valuable time which can be utilized for other important activities.

So why wait? Get your TradePartners® to convert operations into “Easy Operations!” Click for more info!

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