Easy to use web and mobile-based application that helps you increase your sales graph!

TradePartners® app is a futuristic mobile-first cloud-based application specially tailor-made for people engaged with channel and distribution trade, across B2B and B2C segments of IT, Consumer Electronics Trade, and others. It is a very useful app to manage and analyze data related to primary and secondary sales, productivity/performance analysis of field forces across all verticals …

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Generate accurate sales reports automatically with the TradePartners® app!

Reports are the most important part of every process. Making and checking reports can be challenging at times. Especially, when you are away from your desk and you need to check the reports for your further work. Maintaining reports on each level is very important, as the team reports give the idea of where the …

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Increase your sales productivity with the TradePartners® app!

The sales process is enormous as there are many sub-processes in it. Every manufacturing company has the target to increase its sales at any cost. As the companies sell thousands of units each month, the count of sales makes them get noticed worldwide. Every sales process is divided into three main parts. Planning, selling, and …

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A futuristic application to increase your sales effortlessly!

TradePartners® started as a futuristic mobile-first cloud-based application specially tailor-made for people engaged with channel and distribution trade, across the B2B and B2C segments of IT, Consumer Electronics Trade, and others.  As we know about the previous features of TradePartners®, now it’s time to check how TradePartners® has taken a step ahead with some great and …

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The Best Sales Performance & Team Management Application!

There are many sales performance management software/applications present in today’s world which say that they can simplify your daily work activities. However, have you ever come across a mobile-based application that includes tracking, data maintenance, report view or download, data encryption, etc. Well, to be honest, there are very few such software present in the …

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Be Progressive with the TradePartners® App!

Many product manufacturing companies give away attractive offers for their distributers. Sometimes a free trip, sometimes big discounts and many such offers that can benefit the buyers. These offers are generally designed to increase the sales of the product. However, these offers always keep on changing and it gets difficult for the company or the …

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Quick DAR/DCR analysis and it’s positive impact on TGT VS ACH!

Many of us know the pain and agony of a sales team! Sales Managers and Sales Executives go through heavy pressure on each day of their work. Many times, they do official work beyond the scope of prescribed duty hours, and as a result, they do not get enough time to spend with their families. …

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TradePartners® smartly updates you with the customer’s Amount Receivables in a single step!

Credit limit and payment due date are the two most important factors of any sales process. Companies have certain credit terms and payment policies for distributors depending upon their payment history and the volume of business they do. As our sales executives are always on the search for new business and at the same time, …

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Get error-free sales reports in a single step!

Are you tired of making long reports? Are you worried about making your team wait after office hours for meetings and report generation? If yes, then you must get the TradePartners® app! The TradePartners® app analyzes your team performance and generates reports based on the data entered by your Sales Executives and allows you to …

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Check The Live-Stock For Billing & Increase your Sales Efficiency the smarter way!

Field Sales Executives of every company are always on their toes to get a new order for their company. We also know that there are several Sales Executives in a company who travel to many different locations to get new orders. While they place an order, they have to go through certain challenges. The Sales …

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