Generate accurate reports automatically with the TradePartners® app!

Reports are the most important part of every process. Making and checking reports can be challenging at times. Especially, when you are away from your desk and you need to check the reports for your further work.

Maintaining reports on each level is very important, as the team reports give the idea of where the team performance is heading.

Hence, to find the best solution out of the reports checks issue, TradePartners® helps you with its amazing feature called the Dashboard Reports!

With the TradePartners® app, you will get various dashboard reports that are available for high officials as per their specific requirements and choices.

One can easily check the dashboard in a single step! TradePartners® helps you save time by providing you with all the reports you need right at your fingertips! These reports can be downloaded by customizing the dates according to your needs. These reports give you an exact figure and can definitely be considered as final reports!

TradePartners® makes it easy for you by saving a lot of time that is consumed for making the reports manually.

So why wait? Click now to contact us and start using the TradePartners® app!

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Use the TradePartners® app to check the live-stock for billing!

Field Sales Executives of every company are always on their toes to get a new order for their company. We also know that there are several Sales Executives in a company who travel to many different locations to get new orders.

While they place an order, they have to go through certain challenges. The Sales Executives always have to call or be in touch with their Managers or Admin Departments to check if the products are available in stock.

This is the exact time where they have to wait for a long time until their managers check on the stock and update them on the same. Many times it happens when the Sales team gets the order and returns to their base, only to find out that the stock doesn’t match the order. And then what! The Sales team has to get back to the client asking for some more time to deliver the order.

Now, to end this problem, TradePartners® helps you by showing you the live stock for billing right on your mobile screen. Your Sales Executives can check the available stock and punch in the orders as per the requirement. You can say that your Sales Executives can see the livestock for billing on the go and place the order from the field itself!

This helps minimize calling time and helps quick action on closing orders and revenue generations!

So why wait? Speed up the process of sales in your company with the TradePartners®! Click now to contact us!

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Schedule your Business Tours using the TradePartners® app!

We are working in a market where competition has grown to its peak. Hence, Many companies keep an open budget for the executives who are on tour plans. But is this budget used correctly? Are the executives being helped during their tour plans? How can we track them? How can they update the managers if they face any difficulty? So how do we track the details? Do we need a sales executive tracking app to help our team who is working in the field? These questions always revolve around when it comes to outstation tours.

Now, setting up a firm and strong business is not an easy job. Hard and smart working employees make many things possible. However, as business owners, we should even help our employees simplify their work so that they always perform the best and help us provide top-class services to our clients!

When we talk about providing top-class sales and services, we have to go beyond our comfort boundaries. Hence, many of businesses send their sales executives on a tour plan so that they can travel outstation and capture a wider market.

But how to be in touch with our executives when they are on a business tour? Many of us try to be in touch with executives via phone. But is a phone call the only option?

Well … now we have all the answers for you in the form of TradePartners®! Yes … TradePartners® is a new era revolutionary web and mobile application in which the managers can get updates on how many of their team members are up for a tour plan and in which city and date.

Now once the sales executives enter the client location, the app triggers a checked-in mark that is visible to the manager. Once the sales executive is out of the client’s location, he gets the option to click and end the meeting. By doing this, the manager can know that the executive has checked out from the client location and can also track the time spent in the meeting, and can also help the executives whenever required.

The sales executive can also type in short notes like done, complete, or any short mark just to let the managers know about how the meeting went. In this option, even the managers can revert to the executive with a counter comment if needed.

This entire process saves too many man-hours of report making and follow-ups. With the TradePartners® in-house, the calling time between the sales executives and the managers has certainly ended!

All this and many more features for your work stress to go down. Download the TradePartners® app now and enjoy the experience of smart working!

Click for any questions!

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TradePartners® generates accurate reports in a single click!

Reports are the most important part of every process. Making and checking reports can be challenging at times. Especially, when you are away from your desk and you need to check the reports for your further work.

Maintaining reports on each level is very important, as the team reports show where the team’s performance is heading.

Hence, to find the best solution to the reports checks issue, TradePartners® helps you with its amazing dashboard report feature!

With the TradePartners® app, you will get various dashboard reports available for high officials as per their specific requirements and choices.

One can easily check the dashboard in a single step! TradePartners® helps you save time by providing you with all the reports you need right at your fingertips! These reports can be downloaded by customizing the dates according to your needs. These reports give you an exact figure and can definitely be considered final reports!

TradePartners® makes it easy for you by saving a lot of time that is consumed for making the reports manually.

So why wait? Click now to contact us and start using the TradePartners® app!

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Simplify your entire field-sales process with the TradePartners® app!

Many big companies in India and Abroad have the best performing Sales Executive teams working for them. They are always on high alert when it comes to target and performance. The sales team starts their day without having any idea when they will call it a day! Hence, many a time it gets difficult for the Managers to track the performance immediately. Sales Executives travel several miles to attend meetings and try their best to close the deal.

The entire sales process includes tons of man-hours working day and night. Client visits, follow-ups, report preparation, graph building, etc, etc; all this, with a heavy workload.

So we thought of making the Sales process a bit easy by introducing TradePartners®!

So What is TradePartners®?

TradePartners® app is a futuristic mobile-first cloud-based application specially tailor-made for people engaged with channel and distribution trade, across B2B and B2C segments of IT, Consumer Electronics Trade, and others.

It is a very useful app to manage and analyze data related to primary and secondary sales, and productivity/performance analysis of field forces across all verticals with an optional real-time GPS tracking system that could be linked with respective PJPs, a Channel scheme narrator. It can also provide a detailed report on accounts, HRMS, and logistics. We can say that TradePartners® is a high-tech Sales Performance Management Software including features like a Sales Tracking System, Sales Executive Tracking App, Sales Automation Application, and Field Team Management Software!

TradePartners® has made it easy for those who are always on the field.

Hurry!! Join us … click and download your TradePartners® app now! OR inbox us at

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Streamline your entire sales process with the TradePartners® app!

In the business of field marketing, training freshers is altogether a task for the Managers. Freshers can’t be left with the Senior Sales Executives as they have to complete their daily/weekly/monthly targets. Managers are left with other vital activities due to which they cannot focus completely on their fresher Sales Executives when they are left on the field.

So how can you overcome the situation of training the freshers?

It’s simple! All you have to do is get the TradePartners® app for your team! The TradePartners® app helps the Managers to track their Sales Executives so that the Managers can guide and help their team to perform.

TradePartners® allows the Sales Executives to upload their daily/weekly/monthly PJPs so that the Managers can know the line of action. The TradePartners® app also helps generate reports which can be downloaded in list and graph format.

Hence, the long meetings to generate reports no longer exist when you are using the TradePartners® app!

So if you are still not with TradePartners®, click now and enter the work of smart working!

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Easy to use web and mobile-based application that helps you increase your sales graph!

TradePartners® app is a futuristic mobile-first cloud-based application specially tailor-made for people engaged with channel and distribution trade, across B2B and B2C segments of IT, Consumer Electronics Trade, and others.

It is a very useful app to manage and analyze data related to primary and secondary sales, productivity/performance analysis of field forces across all verticals with optional real-time GPS tracking system could be linked with respective PJPs, Channel scheme narrator, it can also provide a detailed report on accounts, HRMS, and logistics. We can say that TradePartners® is a high-tech Sales Performance Management Software including features like Sales Tracking System, Sales Executive Tracking App, Sales Automation Application, and Field Team Management Software!

Users of the TradePartners® app are divided into five different parts and each user has its benefits of using the TradePartners® app!

Admin: The authority who will control the admin panel. The Admins can add users and can handle the entire backend of the app!

BM / RM / PM: Can easily fetch respective required data on a near to real-time basis, for corrective action if any.

AM: Can check daily activities of respective SEs against PJP and others.

Sales Executives: To provide and update all the prescribed reports for their respective reporting heads.

FOs: Activities, and performance can be measured by the designated person(s).

TradePartners® has always been an easy-to-operate mobile and web application and is used and loved by many. Using the TradePartners® app can help you reduce your daily work pressure as it helps you make accurate reports, track your team, and also helps your team to update the line of action on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.

TradePartners® not just helps in increasing your sales count, but it also gets your process organized smartly!

So if you are still away from the TradePartners® app, click and start your work journey without a hassle!

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Generate accurate sales reports automatically with the TradePartners® app!

Reports are the most important part of every process. Making and checking reports can be challenging at times. Especially, when you are away from your desk and you need to check the reports for your further work.

Maintaining reports on each level is very important, as the team reports give the idea of where the team performance is heading. 

Hence, to find the best solution to the reports checks issue, TradePartners® has developed a feature called the Dashboard Reports!

With the TradePartners® app, you will get various dashboard reports that are available for high officials as per their specific requirements and choices.

One can easily check the dashboard in a single step! TradePartners® helps you save time by providing all the reports you need right at your fingertips!

So why wait? Click now to contact us and start using the TradePartners® app!

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Increase your sales productivity with the TradePartners® app!

The sales process is enormous as there are many sub-processes in it. Every manufacturing company has the target to increase its sales at any cost. As the companies sell thousands of units each month, the count of sales makes them get noticed worldwide.

Every sales process is divided into three main parts. Planning, selling, and increasing client data. During this process, there are many people involved in it. Mainly, the Managers, Senior Sales Executives, and freshers.

A manager of any sales process has a huge team working under them.

Hence, it gets difficult for the Managers and the sales executive to update each and every minute detail to each other. We can say that the team has to spend more time planning and generating reports, which makes them fall short of time on the field with the clients.

Hence, we present to you the TradePartners® web and mobile-based app. The TradePartners® helps you with easy functions to set daily, weekly, and monthly PJPs and successfully action them. We can say with this great app in place you will experience overall productivity improvement within no time!

Using the TradePartners® app, Sales Executives can update their daily, weekly, and monthly PJPs and action them accordingly. Through this process, the Managers can view all the PJPs set by the team and can also track the progress of each Sales Executive.

With the tracking option, the Managers can track and help the freshers to cover all their PJPs successfully. Hence, if all the PJPs are going successful, your Company’s sales count will automatically increase along with widening your client cunt!

The PJP and the tracking feature also save your daily briefing time, as your team gets the freedom to set their monthly PJPs.

There are many such apps available in the market today, however, the TradePartners® app is one of those best apps which is updated, reliable, and can definitely hike up your sales count with fewer efforts.

Why wait? Download the TradePartners® app now, or click for more info!


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A futuristic application to increase your sales effortlessly!

TradePartners® started as a futuristic mobile-first cloud-based application specially tailor-made for people engaged with channel and distribution trade, across the B2B and B2C segments of IT, Consumer Electronics Trade, and others.

 As we know about the previous features of TradePartners®, now it’s time to check how TradePartners® has taken a step ahead with some great and easy-to-use futuristic features!

Let’s check out these amazing features of the TradePartners® app!

Individual ASM (TGT vs ACH): Sales Executives can see their real-time targets vs achievements, individual product-wise quantity, and value sell-out done.

Live-stock for billing: Sales Executives can see the livestock for billing on the go.

Sales Order: Sales Executives can create sales orders on the go, and the same will reflect on the main system on a real-time basis for the concerned Reporting Manager and the Accounts Manager to check and approve the order for billing.

Amount Receivable: The amount receivable of the direct billing partners can be seen by the Sales Executives on a real-time basis.

Dashboard Report: Various dashboard reports are available for high officials as per their specific requirements and choices.

Status with T2 & T3: Daily secondary sales done by the respective T2s can be captured on a real-time basis. (e.g. Name of the T3, Item and quantity) Further daily tertiary sales done by respective T3s can also be captured along with the product’s serial number.

So why wait? Let’s move ahead with the TradePartners®! Click to contact us!

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