The TradePartners™ App!

Many apps, many software, and many other technologies are launched each day so that people can simplify their work.

However, there are just a few technologies that come in all in one action. One of the best mobile technology running and trending today is the TradePartnersapp. The app is simply flawless and easy to use. It is the right path to get your work done error-free!

To know more about the TradePartnersapp, let’s hear out a small experience from one of the TradePartnershappy users!

I am a Department Manager in one of the largest electronic products company. My job is to manage a team of 50 by allocating work to my team, monitoring them, graphing and many other reports making activities.

My day starts at 9 AM and I do not have any log out time. The same goes for my team. I and my team are busy with our fieldwork and by the end of the day, we spend our time in daily reporting and daily work analyzing. This helps us to perform better, but at the same time, it takes our time which could have been spent with our families.

I used to believe that there is no end to this work schedule and I and my team will have to live with the same. I used to be continuously stuck in monitoring my team and being in touch with them over the phone.

But all this hectic work has ended for me and my team. Just a few months ago, my company introduced a tiny mobile app called TradePartners! Now, this little buddy is tiny in size but has features like never been thought before. It feels like someone who has been through my work and pain has built the TradePartnersfor us! Now let me tell you what exactly the TradePartnersdoes for us.

Before it was next to impossible to track my team when on the field. We had other tracking apps in the market, however, they were simply time-consuming. But with the TradePartnersapp, I can easily monitor my entire team’s daily PJP, visits, time taken for each visit and vital notes as well and now I can guide and help them for better performance.

Now the note section has saved our calling time as we can share notes on via TradePartnersapp on a particular visit that is made by team members.

Let me tell you the most interesting feature of this app. As before, we used to fetch in the reports manually to analyze the performance data. However, now that can happen via TradePartnersas it saves all the data and shows it to you in a graph and word format. We can also email the same through the app itself. This feature has saved a lot of hand-works that we used to do daily.

We now start our work with a small meeting around 9.30, and unlike before, we now finish our work on time and leave by 6.30 in the evening.

TradePartnershas certainly made this easy for people who are always on the field. So why wait to experience easy field sales operations? Download the TradePartnersapp now! Click for more details!

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Easy Operations With The TradePartners_2
Easy Operations With The TradePartners™!

The TradePartners is the fastest and easy to operate mobile applications present in the market today! TradePartners app is a futuristic mobile-first cloud-based application specially tailor-made for people engaged with channel and distribution trade, across B2B and B2C segment of IT, Consumer Electronics Trade and others.

It is a very useful app to manage and analyze data related to primary and secondary sells, productivity/performance analysis of field forces across all verticals with optional real-time GPS tracking system could be linked with respective PJPs, Channel scheme narrator, it can also provide a detailed report on accounts, HRMS, and logistics. We can say that TradePartners is a high tech Sales Performance Management Software including features like Sales Tracking System, Sales Executive Tracking App, Sales Automation Application and Field Team Management Software!

So let’s see some easy steps on how to use that TradePartners app!

Register: Your Id gets created by the admin providing you with a changeable password option for easy access to the application. TradePartners is the best Sales Tracking System in its class.

Use: You can track your employees and add a note in case if you want to tag them with some vital information. This works from both the ways i.e Managers and Sales Executives. This feature saves your time of calling and is the best sales executive tracking app.

Relax: When features like Sales Tracking System, Sales Executive Tracking App, Sales Automation Application and Field Team Management Software are included in your Sales Performance Management Software, it’s time to relax and let TradePartners soften the hectic parts of the job for you!

Now even you can be a part of the futuristic mobile-first cloud-based application to ease your daily work!

Click for more details!

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Smart Training for Freshers!

In the business of field marketing, training freshers is altogether a task for the Managers. Freshers can’t be left with the Senior Sales Executives as they have to complete their daily/weekly/monthly targets. Managers are left with other vital activities due to which they cannot focus completely on their fresher Sales Executives when they are left on the field.

So how can you overcome the situation of training the freshers?

It’s simple! All you have to do is get the TradePartners app for your team! The TradePartners app helps the Managers to track their Sales Executives so that the Managers can guide and help their team to perform.

TradePartners allows the Sales Executives to upload their daily/weekly/monthly PJPs so that the Managers can know the line of action. The TradePartners app also helps generate reports which can be downloaded in list and graph format.

Hence, the long meetings to generate reports no longer exist when you are using the TradePartners app!

So if you are still not with TradePartners, click now and enter the work of smart working!

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Hand-holding of freshers with TradePartners™!

In our industry, we get many freshers joining us each month. Everyone joins us with a dream to be a top performer someday. Now, it is next to impossible for the managers to be out on the field with the freshers for hand-holding. But there has to be some way to track our freshers so that we managers can guide them well and help them to be on the same page with the team.

TradePartners is one of the most futuristic mobile applications which helps to soften our workload and allows a free-flow work environment within the team.

With the tracking option of TradePartners app, we can easily track our new birds and guide them with notes and comments. They can also check-in and check-out for the visited PJPs and also do get the option if any of the PJPs is not found. They can notify everything even by taking live photos of the location using the TradePartners app. This helps the managers to guide the team further and maintain the daily, weekly or monthly performance reports.

The TradePartners app not only helps you track your sales executives, but also helps you to generate reports or download the report data in list or graph format.

Thinking about all these points, TradePartners app was designed by experts of making user-friendly mobile applications. Now, this app is best for maintaining your data, updating PJPs and outstation tour plans too. It also gives you the exact count of team members and their daily, weekly or monthly tasks. It also shows you the ongoing sales offers … And the best part is employee tracking for helping out the freshers! So basically, the TradePartners app offers you all in one service to soften your daily workload!

With the TradePartners you can track and guide your on-field team of freshers without even calling them. The moment your sales executives arrives at the client location, the app sends you a pop-up to checks in and after the visit as soon the executive exits the client location, it automatically checks out. The TradePartners app also allows the executives to put in small notes related to the meeting so that the manager comes to know how well did the meeting go and brief them accordingly. The managers can reply to the notes if necessary.

Using TradePartners saves on time as it assists you in report management, updating daily tasks, and also tracking the sales executives. TradePartners is the way to make the process smoother and simpler. It helps you organize your daily work along with report management so that no one has to wait extra to update the daily reports.

So if you have not yet downloaded TradePartners, then what are you waiting for?

Download TradePartners app now and welcome the most efficient and organized work culture to your office! Click

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How We Track

In our industry, it is next to impossible to track the on-field sales executives! We don’t say that all the executives skip their visits. However, we all know that some of them might do that.

The only way to keep a track on the sales executives is to be in touch with them via phone calls. However, that really isn’t the right way to do it. The sales executives may be riding towards the client’s location and they might get distracted due to the phone rings. Technically, phone calls are not a safe option to get rid of this problem.

There are several apps in the market that can help you track your sales executives using their phone numbers. But what if the executive tries to switch off his/her phone, or try to distract you using some other technique. It may be possible, right? So using tracking apps is not really good to go option.

Thinking about all these points, we designed TradePartners app. Now, this app is best for maintaining your data, updating PJPs and outstation tour plans too. It also gives you the exact count of team members and their daily, weekly or monthly tasks. It also shows you the ongoing internal offers for the employees … And the best part is employee tracking! So basically, the TradePartners app offers you all in one service to soften your daily workload!

With the TradePartners you can track your on-field team without even calling them. The moment your sales executives arrives at the client location, the app automatically checks in the executive, and after the visit as soon the executive exits the client location, he/she gets a pop up to push on end meeting or check out. TradePartners also allows the executives to put in small notes related to the meeting so that the manager comes to know how well did the meeting go. The managers can reply to the notes if necessary.

Using TradePartners saves on time as it assists you in report management, updating daily tasks, and also tracking the sales executives. TradePartners is the way to make the process smoother and simpler.

It helps you organize your daily work along with report management so that no one has to wait extra to update the daily reports.

So if you have not yet downloaded TradePartners yet, then what are you waiting for?

Download TradePartners app now and welcome the most efficient and organized work culture to your office!

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Tour Planning and Tracking

When we talk about providing top class sales and services, we have to go beyond our comfort boundaries. Hence, many of the businesses send their sales executives on a tour plan so that they can travel outstation and capture a wide market.

Many companies keep an open budget for the executives who are on tour plans. But is this budget used correctly? Are the executives really visiting the scheduled client locations? How can we track them? How can they update the managers?

These questions always revolve when it comes to outstation tours. So many of us thought to be in touch with the executives via phone. But is phone call the only option?

Well … now we have all the answers for you in the form of TradePartners! Yes … TradePartners is a new era revolutionary app in which the managers can get updates on how many of his team members are up for a tour plan and in which city and date.

Now once the sales executives enter the client location, the app triggers a checked-in mark which is visible to the manager. Once the sales executive is out of the client’s location, he gets the option to click on end meeting. By doing this, the manager can know that the executive has checked out from the client location and can also track the time spent in the meeting.

The sales executive can also type in short notes like done, complete, or any short mark just to let the manages to know about how the meeting went. In this option, even the managers can revert to the executive with a counter comment if needed.

This entire process saves too many man-hours of report making and follow-ups. With the TradePartners in house, the calling time between the sales executives and the managers has certainly ended!

All this and many more features for your work stress to go down. Download TradePartners app now and enjoy the experience of future working!

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Being With TradePartners™!

I am a Sr. Sales Executive and my work life were as hectic like any other Sales Executive!

My entire day goes in traveling and meeting new clients to close the deal. During each visit, I used to call my manager and updated him my reaching and leaving time from the client location. I was also supposed to call my manager to update him regarding my meetings after each visit. I used to suffer due to everyday heavy calls!

But then, our company introduced TradePartners for us to be more organized. At first, we thought that this app will increase our work and we will never get any free time to plan for our next day or visits.

However, TradePartners proved us wrong. Now we do not have to call our manager for any updates as we can set our daily, weekly and monthly PJPs in the app. Our managers can see the same and stays updated on which executive is on which field. TradePartners also updates the manager with our visit time, and we Sales Executives can add notes about our meeting on the app itself.

TradePartners has saved our calling time due to which our work speed has increased! Now all we are a happy team who can self analyze our work and each of us try to beat our previous record. Our manager is more relaxed as he can pull in all the vital performance reports of his team.

TradePartners has saved our morning meeting time and calling time! Now we only look at our phones to check TradePartners in case of any notifications! And yes, these are just a few of the TradePartners features. TradePartners has made our work more organized and faster!

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My Experience With the TradePartners™!

I am a Department Manager in one of the largest electronic products company. My job is to manage a team of 50 by allotting work to my team, monitoring them, graphing and many other reports making activities.

My day starts at 9 AM and I do not have any log out time. The same goes for my team. I and my team are busy with our field work and by the end of the day, we spend our time in daily reporting and daily work analyzing. This helps us to perform better, but at the same time, it takes our time which could have been spent with our families.

I used to believe that there is no end to this work schedule and I and my team will have to live with the same. I used to be continuously stuck in monitoring my team and being in touch with them over the phone.

But all this hectic work has ended for me and my team. Just a few months ago, my company introduced a tiny mobile app called the TradePartners! Now, this little buddy is tiny in size but has features like never been thought before. It feels like someone who has been through my work and pain has built the TradePartners for us! Now let me tell you what exactly the TradePartners does for us.

Before it was next to impossible to track my team when on the field. We had other tracking apps in the market, however, they were simply time-consuming. But with the TradePartners app, I can easily monitor my entire teams daily PJP, visits, time taken for each visit and vital notes as well.

Now the note section has definitely saved our calling time as we can share notes on via TradePartners app on a particular visit that is made by team members.

Let me tell you the most interesting feature of this app. As before, we used to fetch in the reports manually to analyze the performance data. However, now that can happen via TradePartners as it saves all the data and shows it to you in a graph and word format. We can also email the same through the app itself. This feature has saved a lot of hand-works that we used to do on a daily basis.

We now start our work with a small meeting around 9.30, and unlike before, we now finish our work in time and leave by 6.30 in the evening.

TradePartners has certainly made this easy for people who are always on the field.

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