Know how you can set PJPs the smart way!

Usually, the on-field Sales Executives suffer while they set PJPs! They have to follow certain steps to plan their journey. The Sales Executives also experience long wait for meetings after they return from the field. Not just that, but they also have to be on calls before and after their client visits to update their …

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Many Features…One App! The TradePartners™!

Mobile applications are the key to put you through a shortcut in your day to day work schedule! There are many apps with multiple features. When these apps are being made by the developers, many a time it happens that the app turns slightly towards complications. When the app is used for any business purpose …

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Smart Report Generation With The TradePartners™ App!

Report generation is always time-consuming. We usually run behind our daily work targets and keep the report making and sending for the end of the day. We sometimes also ignore making a complete performance report for self and team which results in a heavy pile-up. Everyone wishes to finish up the day’s work ASAP and …

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We Use The TradePartners™ App!

Iconic companies always are on the top as they keep experimenting with new technologies. Not all the time it is possible to grab a new idea from the in-house team. Hence, they many a time keep looking for other companies that can be a help. New technology is used to save the maximum time of …

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The TradePartners™ App!

Many apps, many software, and many other technologies are launched each day so that people can simplify their work. However, there are just a few technologies that come in all in one action. One of the best mobile technology running and trending today is the TradePartners™ app. The app is simply flawless and easy to …

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Easy Operations With The TradePartners_2
Easy Operations With The TradePartners™!

The TradePartners™ is the fastest and easy to operate mobile applications present in the market today! TradePartners™ app is a futuristic mobile-first cloud-based application specially tailor-made for people engaged with channel and distribution trade, across B2B and B2C segment of IT, Consumer Electronics Trade and others. It is a very useful app to manage and …

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Smart Training for Freshers!

In the business of field marketing, training freshers is altogether a task for the Managers. Freshers can’t be left with the Senior Sales Executives as they have to complete their daily/weekly/monthly targets. Managers are left with other vital activities due to which they cannot focus completely on their fresher Sales Executives when they are left …

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Hand-holding of freshers with TradePartners™!

In our industry, we get many freshers joining us each month. Everyone joins us with a dream to be a top performer someday. Now, it is next to impossible for the managers to be out on the field with the freshers for hand-holding. But there has to be some way to track our freshers so …

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How We Track

In our industry, it is next to impossible to track the on-field sales executives! We don’t say that all the executives skip their visits. However, we all know that some of them might do that. The only way to keep a track on the sales executives is to be in touch with them via phone …

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Tour Planning and Tracking

When we talk about providing top class sales and services, we have to go beyond our comfort boundaries. Hence, many of the businesses send their sales executives on a tour plan so that they can travel outstation and capture a wide market. Many companies keep an open budget for the executives who are on tour …

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