Can a mobile app help you generate a sales order faster?

As we know that the sales executives who travel to get new orders, have to follow a process to book the sales orders. The sales executives have to check things like the cost of the order, the quantity of the order, availability of the products, and then they have to contact the concerned department and submit the requirements so that the order can get booked.

However, following this process is time-consuming. Hence, we present the TradePartners™ app to you!

With the TradePartners app, the sales executives can easily check the live-stock, offers on products (if any), and they also get the feature to directly book the sales order using their mobile phones!

When the sales executive generates a sales order using the TradePartners app, the concerned backend team gets the notification about the order for which they can confirm and book it accordingly. So now the sales executives no longer have to call or visit the concerned team to get the order booked.

This process saves time for the entire team. As the sales executives use the TradePartners™ app for order generation, the app automatically saves all the info and generates reports accordingly, which can be then checked by the Managers.

Hence, the TradePartners app is an all-in-one option for the sales team to increase their performance faster than before! TradePartners helps you save time and be more productive in a smart way! And YES! “A Mobile App Can Help You Generate A Sales Order Faster!” 🙂

Hurry! Click now to contact us for more details!

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Effortless Training for Freshers!

In the business of field marketing, training freshers is altogether a task for the Managers. Freshers can’t be left with the Senior Sales Executives as they have to complete their daily/weekly/monthly targets. Managers are left with other vital activities due to which they cannot focus completely on their fresher Sales Executives when they are left on the field.

So how can you overcome the situation of training the freshers?

It’s simple! All you have to do is get the TradePartners app for your team! The TradePartners app helps the Managers to track their Sales Executives so that the Managers can guide and help their team to perform.

TradePartners allows the Sales Executives to upload their daily/weekly/monthly PJPs so that the Managers can know the line of action. The TradePartners app also helps generate reports which can be downloaded in list and graph format.

Hence, the long meetings to generate reports no longer exist when you are using the TradePartners app!

So if you are still not with TradePartners, click now and enter the work of smart working!

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Safely continue your Projected Journey Plans With The TradePartners™ App!

As we know that the COVID-19 and the entire lockdown situation has brought a big coma for the Field Sales Executives. But the show must go on! Thinking about the same many companies have changed their line of action.

The line of action that has actually never worked as the clients are operating with limited time. It gets tricky for the Sales Executives and the Managers to set and update the meetings to each other.

Hence, we are presenting this article for you with the best solution to schedule your Projected Journey Plans!

Many of us know the pain and agony of a sales team! Sales Managers and Sales Executives go through heavy pressure on each day of their work. Many times, they do official work beyond the scope of prescribed duty hours, and as a result, they do not get enough time to spend with their families.

 This is because they have to complete their given targets and keep performing consistently. Each day, they also end up in long-lasting meetings to make reports and discuss the performances. They also have to be in touch with each other and their Managers to update several things.

Now, what if a fresher employee joins in? Will the Managers and Senior Sales Executives be available for his/her help?

Not just these issues, but the Sales team faces many issues during their daily operations.

Hence, to help the team get better work experience, we have designed the TradePartners™ app! Now the app has many features that can solve many problems of the Sales Team. However, today we will be discussing one of the best features that the TradePartners™ offers you!

When a Sales team is on the field, there a certain look afters for the entire team. The Sales Executives and the Managers have to manage and execute their Daily Projected Journey Plans. This results in starting your day with planning and meetings.

Meetings at the start of the day are important but time-consuming. Hence, the TradePartners™ app helps the Sales Executives plan their day’s, week’s, and month’s journey on the app!

Once the Sales Executives updates their journey plans, the Managers can easily view the same on the app and have a clear picture of which Sales Executive is up for which client meet. This gives your team a calls-free experience!

The Sales Executive gets the option to mark themselves out from the meeting once they are out of the client’s location. Managers can put short notes if they want to update their on-field Sales Executives about any important message.

For the freshers in the team, the Managers can track them on the TradePartners™ app and can guide them on each step of their meetings. This helps time to train the freshers.

Once the day is over, the Managers can see the performance data on the app and can plan the month accordingly.

The TradePartners™ app also helps in report generation to help the team save time which they usually spend in the day’s end meetings. All the reports are ready at your fingertips and can be downloaded in a list or graph format!

Now with the TradePartners™ in house, your team saves time and enters the world of smart working!

So why wait? Download the TradePartners™ app now! Click to know more!

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Know how you can Work Smart with the TradePartners™!

Daily work, immense traveling, meetings, convincing clients, making reports, suspense in performance, waiting after office timings for reports, and team meetings! This is just 50% that a sales executive has to go through in his/her daily work cycle. We never know what our performance report will be like, and with a schedule so hectic, we can’t even monitor our work to improve our performance. This results in waiting for the Manager to guide us ahead.

So what do we do? How do we monitor our performance by ourselves? Well! The answer is TradePartners™ mobile app! Yes, the TradePartners™ app helps you in analyzing your daily, weekly, and monthly performance so that you can improve your performance! Now you no more have to keep waiting for your turn after office hours to discuss your performance with your Manager. Now you and your Manager can simply check all the performance history on TradePartners™ app anytime and anywhere!

With the TradePartners™ app, you can add your daily, weekly, or monthly PJPs and action them accordingly. Each PJP and is recorded in the TradePartners™ app. You can play an individual and help your team by performing the best!

The TradePartners™ is one of the best and easy to use mobile applications that can record your reports, performance, PJPs, and Tour Plans as well! It becomes easy for you and your Manager to record and track things that are vital in your daily work schedule!

It has been observed that the Team using the TradePartners, actually leaves their workplace in time as they no longer have to wait for long meetings or report generation after their office timings! You can simply download your or your team reports in list and graph format in just a single touch on your mobile!

The TradePartners™ is the most scalable and 100% secure application that serves you with quality and quick work!

You can now change your work strategies and enter the future trends of performance. Why wait! Get the TradePartners™ app now!

Click and enter the future with the TradePartners!

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The Simplest Way To Generate A Sales Order!

With the TradePartners™, Sales Executives can create sales orders on the go, and the same will reflect on the main system on a real-time basis for the concerned Reporting Manager and the Accounts Manager to check and approve the order for billing. The TradePartners™ will also help the Sales Executives in knowing the available stock before they punch in the sales order.

We all know that sales order is an integral part of any business. Ideally, sales executives used to check available stock before they start for the market in the morning, and sometimes they cross-check the current status of available stock with their office, just before taking the order, and then either they call back to their office to get the order punched on priority and follow-up for billing done, or they go back to the office to coordinate the same in person!

However, as technology has developed, the TradePartners™ have found the smartest way to book a sales order!

TradePartners™ will help you save on the calling and traveling back time of the Executives which they used to spend earlier while generating a sales order. The process of sales order generation has now become faster than ever with error-free results. Now your Executives can get the maximum amount of orders once they are out in the fields of sales!

So why wait? Get your team geared up with the TradePartners™ app and generate all sales orders the smart way!

Hurry! Click to contact us for more info!

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Live-Stock For Billing With The TradePartners™!

Checking of live-stock is very important before we sit for the billing process. Usually, we find many errors in this process. Field Sales Executives of every company are always on their toes to get a new order for their company. We also know that there are several Sales Executives in a company who travel to many different locations to get new orders.

While they place an order, they have to go through certain challenges. The Sales Executives always have to call or be in touch with their Managers or Admin Departments to check if the products are available in stock.

This is the exact time where they have to wait for a long time until their managers check on the stock and update them on the same. Many times it happens where the Sales team gets the order and returns to their base, only to find out that the stock doesn’t match the order. And then what! The Sales team has to get back to the client asking for some more time to deliver the order.

Now, to end this problem, the TradePartners™ helps you by showing you the live-stock for billing right on your mobile screen. Your Sales Executives can check the available stock and punch in the orders as per the requirement. You can say that your Sales Executives can see the livestock for billing on the go and place the order from the field itself!

This helps the calling and traveling time of the Sales Executives and the company and the order is processed much faster!

So why wait? Speed-up the process of sales in your company with the TradePartners™! Click now to contact us!

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Dashboard Reports with TradePartners™!

Reports are the most important part of every process. Making and checking reports can be challenging at times. Especially, when you are away from your desk and you need to check the reports for your further work.

Maintaining reports on each level is very important, as the team reports give the idea of where the team performance is heading. 

Hence, to find the best solution out of the reports check issue, TradePartners™ has come up with a new feature called the Dashboard Reports!

With the TradePartners™ app, you will get various dashboard reports that are available for high officials as per their specific requirements and choices.

One can easily check the dashboard in a single step! TradePartners™ helps you save time by providing you all the reports you need right at your fingertips!

So why wait? Click now to contact us and start using the TradePartners™ app!

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Generate A Sales Order With The TradePartners™!

We all know that sales order is an integral part of any business. Ideally, sales executives used to check available stock before they start for the market in the morning, and sometimes they cross-check the current status of available stock with their office, just before taking the order, and then either they call back to their office to get the order punched on priority and follow-up for billing done, or they go back to the office to coordinate the same in person!

However, as technology has developed, the TradePartners™ have found the smartest way to book a sales order!

Now with the TradePartners™, Sales Executives can create sales orders on the go, and the same will reflect on the main system on a real-time basis for the concerned Reporting Manager and the Accounts Manager to check and approve the order for billing. The TradePartners™ will also help the Sales Executives in knowing the available stock before they punch in the sales order.

This will save on the calling and traveling back time of the Executives which they used to spend earlier while generating a sales order. The process of sales order generation has now become faster than ever with error-free results. Now your Executives can get the maximum amount of orders once they are out in the fields of sales!

So why wait? Get your team geared up with the TradePartners™ app and generate all sales orders the smart way!

Hurry! Click to contact us for more info!

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A Quick Check Of Live-Stock For Billing With The TradePartners™!

Field Sales Executives of every company are always on their toes to get a new order for their company. We also know that there are several Sales Executives in a company who travel to many different locations to get new orders.

While they place an order, they have to go through certain challenges. The Sales Executives always have to call or be in touch with their Managers or Admin Departments to check if the products are available in stock.

This is the exact time where they have to wait for a long time until their managers check on the stock and update them on the same. Many times it happens where the Sales team gets the order and returns to their base, only to find out that the stock doesn’t match the order. And then what! The Sales team has to get back to the client asking for some more time to deliver the order.

Now, to end this problem, the TradePartners™ helps you by showing you the live-stock for billing right on your mobile screen. Your Sales Executives can check the available stock and punch in the orders as per the requirement. You can say that your Sales Executives can see the livestock for billing on the go and place the order from the field itself!

This helps the calling and traveling time of the Sales Executives and the company and the order is processed much faster!

So why wait? Speed-up the process of sales in your company with the TradePartners™! Click now to contact us!

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TradePartners™…Now One More Step Ahead!

TradePartners™ started as a futuristic mobile-first cloud-based application specially tailor-made for people engaged with channel and distribution trade, across B2B and B2C segment of IT, Consumer Electronics Trade and others.

 As we know about the previous features of TradePartners, now its time to check how TradePartners has taken a step ahead with its new features!

Let’s check out the new features of TradePartners!

Individual ASM (TGT vs ACH): Sales Executives can see their real-time targets vs achievements, individual product-wise quantity, and value sell-out done.

Live-stock for billing: Sales Executives can see the livestock for billing on the go.

Sales Order: Sales Executives can create sales orders on the go, and the same will reflect on the main system on a real-time basis for the concerned Reporting Manager and the Accounts Manager to check and approve the order for billing.

Amount Receivable: The amount receivable of the direct billing partners can be seen by the Sales Executives on a real-time basis.

Dashboard Report: Various dashboard reports are available for high officials as per their specific requirements and choices.

Status with T2 & T3: Daily secondary sales done by the respective T2s can be captured on a real-time basis. (e.g. Name of the T3, Item and quantity) Further daily tertiary sales done by respective T3s can also be captured along with the product’s serial number.

So why wait? Let’s move ahead with the TradePartners! Click to contact us!

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